
Showing posts from February, 2022

Don’t Plant Trees Too Close to Your Home

Trees are the true gems of any landscape. They are eye-catching features that can also shade your property from some heat. However, when it comes to maintaining trees on your property, there are a few things that we recommend you consider for the health and safety of your family and property in the long haul. As wonderful as trees can be, large tree roots have been known to cause structural damage if they are spreading out under the soil too closely to your home. Trees can even cause roof and exterior damages if they are close enough to cascade over your home. These and several more issues can occur if your trees are not properly planted. You can avoid all of these issues by following proper tree planting guidelines so that there is ample space between your trees and your home. Poorly planted trees can cause structural damage to your home and pose a safety hazard to your family. Trees can cause structural damage in several different ways when they are not planted correctly on ...

Identify and Manage Invasive Plants

Invasive plants are not native to an ecosystem . Further, their introduction results in harm to that ecosystem. Their presence can negatively impact the environment as they spread aggressively and outperform native plants. They can also hurt the local economy, affecting agriculture, outdoor recreation or operation of utilities, to name a few. In some cases, invasive species can even introduce threats to human health like toxins and allergens not previously common in a geographic region. For many property owners, invasive plants can also be a major nuisance. They are often difficult to remove and control, and quickly take over prized landscape plantings and native woodlands. Depending on your location, there are likely a number of invasive species that have already become established. Each region seems to have a plant that locals know and hate. For example, Japanese knotweed, burning bush and tree of heaven are all well-known, and unloved, invaders. Some invasive plants were int...

As far as its health goes, a tree will benefit from us when the removal of dead branches, as these attract a myriad of wood-eating insects and fungi. There are other health-related issue is that of crossing of branches. We recommend pruning when branches cross and rub together it not only interrupts the aesthetic flow of the tree’s scaffolding but also causes wounds to form in the bark. Melbourne Tree Removal Guys 26 Fleetwood Dr Narre Warren VIC 3805 (03) 8595 5474

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If you need your trees trimmed, in and around Melbourne, Victoria, Frankston, Morinington and Dandenong get in touch with us today. We will send a professional to your site immediately. They will give a consultation by assessing the health of your tree and the extent of the work that needs to be done in order to trim the tree. Casey Tree Removal 27 William Rd Berwick VIC 3806 (03) 6144 6132

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Caring for Trees: From Autumn into Winter

As autumn settles in and winter approaches, it’s a good time consider the care your trees need now and throughout the coming season. Keep these things in mind and you’ll have happier trees this spring! Cultural Practices to Keep Trees Healthy Pruning: Before winter arrives, prune out dead or broken branches. They may be at risk of falling with the added weight of snow or ice. In fact, pruning in general is a good thing to take care of in the winter. Most plants go dormant and fungi are less of a concern. Mulching and Irrigation : It’s important to pay attention to mulching and irrigation year-round – not just during the growing season but also during winter. Even though plants may be dormant, many still require a minimum amount of water to meet their needs. Mulching helps to maintain soil moisture. Additionally, it provides a buffer against stress to the root zone. Deicing Salt: Remember that while salt might be good for driveways, it can be terrible for trees. Increasin...

Our tree pruning services guide trees toward a direction of growth that’s both strong and sustainable. In the case of shade trees, our services can also help to sculpt arboreal structures in a way that offers maximum cover without blocking sunlight entirely. Melbourne Tree Removal Guys 26 Fleetwood Dr Narre Warren VIC 3805 (03) 8595 5474

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The trees in your compound take some tender loving care to flourish. They need to be watered and sometimes trimmed as well. Other times, these trees may need to be cut down. Melbourne Tree Removal Guys 26 Fleetwood Dr Narre Warren VIC 3805 (03) 8595 5474

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There are a number of benefits that our trained professional provide you get to satisfaction and enjoy the process of tree pruning. ⠀ Contact us Now! ⠀ 🟢 Find us: Melbourne Tree Removal Guys 26 Fleetwood Dr Narre Warren VIC 3805 🟢 Call: (03) 8595 5474 🟢 Web: 🟢 YouTube: 🟢 Facebook: 🟢 Instagram: 🟢 GMB: 🟢 LinkedIn: 🟢 Pinterest: ⠀ #australia #melbourne #treeremoval #treemulching #treepruning #stumpremoval #stumpgrinding #treetrimming #treeremovalmelbourne #treeservicesmelbourne #arboristsmelbourne #treecuttingmelbourne #treeservicesnearme #treeremovalnearme #lawnservicenearme #treestump #treestumpremoval #treeremovalservice #treecuttingservice #treecuttingservicenearme #treepruner #stumpremovalnearme #treetrimmingservice

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Additionally, trimming can also help avoid accidents, loss of life and property. If you have a stable tree in your compound that does not need to be removed but has overgrown branches, then it needs to be trimmed by our professional team. These branches are dangerous if they grow towards the house, hang over the garage or even the play area in the compound. In case of a storm or strong winds, these branches could break off and fall on people, animals or property leading to injury, damage and/ or loss of life. Once these branches are trimmed, the compound is safe again. Casey Tree Removal 27 William Rd Berwick VIC 3806 (03) 6144 6132

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We are certified arborist. If you’re pruning tall trees, and you need to use a chain saw or if you plan to use a ladder, we have the experience team for pruning trees, we are always on the side of caution, especially if falling limbs could damage property. Melbourne Tree Removal Guys 26 Fleetwood Dr Narre Warren VIC 3805 (03) 8595 5474

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Why Fall is a Smart Time to Prune Trees

There are a number of reasons for tree pruning; some are safety-related, some are to lessen interference with buildings, and some protect the health of the tree. The need for pruning will depend on your own landscape goals as well as the trees themselves and surrounding property. Autumn is one of the best times to identify problem areas in a tree that could benefit from pruning. Stressed foliage often changes color earlier than foliage in the rest of a tree. Arborists can easily see the color change and help diagnose the cause. As the leaves fall, the structure of the tree will also become more visible. It becomes easier to see and identify structural defects that should be addressed. Any branches that are diseased or damaged may be good candidates for pruning. Pruning Prepares Trees for Winter Weather Winter storms , with or without snow and ice, all add stress to dead and broken branches in a tree. This can result in more of these branches falling during the winter. Dead...

Helps the mulch to be more effective and encourages plant growth. Our mulch is perfect for large garden areas or small plant beds and is suitable for schools, residential areas, businesses, and more. We deliver our mulch each day, ensuring your orders get to you quickly. ⠀ Contact us Now! ⠀ 🟢 Find us: Melbourne Tree Removal Guys 26 Fleetwood Dr Narre Warren VIC 3805 🟢 Call: (03) 8595 5474 🟢 Web: 🟢 YouTube: 🟢 Facebook: 🟢 Instagram: 🟢 GMB: 🟢 LinkedIn: 🟢 Pinterest: ⠀ #australia #melbourne #treeremoval #treemulching #treepruning #stumpremoval #stumpgrinding #treetrimming #treeremovalmelbourne #treeservicesmelbourne #arboristsmelbourne #treecuttingmelbourne #treeservicesnearme #treeremovalnearme #lawnservicenearme #treestump #treestumpremoval #treeremovalservice #treecuttingservice #treecuttingservicenearme #treepruner #stumpremovalnearme #treetrimmingservice

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They will give a consultation by assessing the health of your tree and the extent of the work that needs to be done in order to trim the tree. Melbourne Tree Removal Guys 26 Fleetwood Dr Narre Warren VIC 3805 (03) 8595 5474

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The trees in your compound take some tender loving care to flourish. They need to be watered and sometimes trimmed as well. Other times, these trees may need to be cut down. While some trees have to be removed from your compound for various reasons, our professional arborists will let you know when this is unnecessary and recommend trimming instead. We ensure that our professionals give direction on the best course of action before proceeding with a trim. Casey Tree Removal 27 William Rd Berwick VIC 3806 (03) 6144 6132

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Fight Fire Blight with Pruning & Treatments

While tree diseases often thrive in spring, it is important to remember that proper care year-round can make a big difference in managing these issues. Some simple practices now can help combat disease. One good example is autumn and winter care to help control fire blight . Caused by the bacterium Erwinia amylovora , fireblight commonly infects pear, apple, hawthorn and quince. Symptoms of Fire Blight The disease gets the name “fire” blight because severely infected plants will have blackened or dark brown branches and foliage. Plant tissue can look as if it has been scorched or burned. The affected branches also often form a shepherd’s crook at the tip. How Fire blight Spreads Bees and wind-driven rain spread new infections during spring. These infections progress into the twigs and toward the main trunk. Once infected, cankers on trunks and branches can persist, where they serve as a source for future infections. Left untreated, cankers can completely girdle the ca...

Tree Removal Services Melbourne

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Tree Removal Services Melbourne


Our tree pruning services guide trees toward a direction of growth that’s both strong and sustainable. In the case of shade trees, our services can also help to sculpt arboreal structures in a way that offers maximum cover without blocking sunlight entirely. Melbourne Tree Removal Guys 26 Fleetwood Dr Narre Warren VIC 3805 (03) 8595 5474

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In case you are tempted to grind the stump yourself, please do not. It is important to use a professional for stump grinding for a number of reasons. One of these is that the equipment needed to carry out the job is expensive and dangerous. Casey Tree Removal 27 William Rd Berwick VIC 3806 (03) 6144 6132

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Tree Pruning Services Melbourne

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Tree Pruning Services Melbourne


You will need to get a professional to trim your trees if you actually want the trees to reap the benefits of the process. Apart from the fact that tree trimming is dangerous, you also need to think about the intended effect. ⠀ Contact us Now! ⠀ 🟢 Find us: Melbourne Tree Removal Guys 26 Fleetwood Dr Narre Warren VIC 3805 🟢 Call: (03) 8595 5474 🟢 Web: 🟢 YouTube: 🟢 Facebook: 🟢 Instagram: 🟢 GMB: 🟢 LinkedIn: 🟢 Pinterest: ⠀ #australia #melbourne #treeremoval #treemulching #treepruning #stumpremoval #stumpgrinding #treetrimming #treeremovalmelbourne #treeservicesmelbourne #arboristsmelbourne #treecuttingmelbourne #treeservicesnearme #treeremovalnearme #lawnservicenearme #treestump #treestumpremoval #treeremovalservice #treecuttingservice #treecuttingservicenearme #treepruner #stumpremovalnearme #treetrimmingservice

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If you need your trees trimmed, in and around Melbourne, Victoria, Frankston, Morinington and Dandenong get in touch with us today. We will send a professional to your site immediately. Melbourne Tree Removal Guys 26 Fleetwood Dr Narre Warren VIC 3805 (03) 8595 5474

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Tree Trimming Services Melbourne

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Tree Trimming Services Melbourne


If you need your trees trimmed, in and around Melbourne, Victoria, Frankston, Morinington and Dandenong get in touch with us today. We will send a professional to your site immediately. They will give a consultation by assessing the health of your tree and the extent of the work that needs to be done in order to trim the tree. Casey Tree Removal 27 William Rd Berwick VIC 3806 (03) 6144 6132

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Tree Mulching Services Melbourne

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Tree Mulching Services Melbourne

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Tree Mulching Services Melbourne


Few Tree Care Tips To Save Water

Everyone wants a well-tended garden in their house, but taking care of trees is time-consuming and challenging. If you don’t want to spend endless hours eaten up by chores, hire an experienced tree surgeon for Tree Care in Melbourne. It means you don’t have to take up tree care as a full-time job. You should know the proper technique of mulching, weeding, composting, planting and pruning and craft a year-long schedule if you want to prevent the trees from any damage or decay. The best alternative is to hire a tree care specialist who will share with you a few tips to save water while gardening. 5 Tips To Save Water During Tree Care In Melbourne   • Use Large Pots Some tree surgeons suggest their customers use large pots because it helps them to save watering time. It takes more time for plants to dry out when planted in large containers. You can also opt for galvanised tall buckets as they help in increasing the tree’s height and offer a unique look to your garden. • Pla...

Tree removal might be a necessary part of caring for your lawn, but so is stump grinding. We complete the job when we cut down a tree and we know how important stump grinding is and do not leave the job half done. If you have a tree stump in your yard and would like to remove it. We are at your service. We do tree trimming services too. Casey Tree Removal 27 William Rd Berwick VIC 3806 (03) 6144 6132

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We are the fastest and most efficient emergency tree removal service in Melbourne. We make situations like these a priority and continue to impress our clients with the speed at which we work at to completely remove any fallen or damaged trees that can be extremely hazardous if not dealt with promptly. ⠀ Contact us Now! ⠀ 🟢 Find us: Melbourne Tree Removal Guys 26 Fleetwood Dr Narre Warren VIC 3805 🟢 Call: (03) 8595 5474 🟢 Web: 🟢 YouTube: 🟢 Facebook: 🟢 Instagram: 🟢 GMB: 🟢 LinkedIn: 🟢 Pinterest: ⠀ #australia #melbourne #treeremoval #treemulching #treepruning #stumpremoval #stumpgrinding #treetrimming #treeremovalmelbourne #treeservicesmelbourne #arboristsmelbourne #treecuttingmelbourne #treeservicesnearme #treeremovalnearme #lawnservicenearme #treestump #treestumpremoval #treeremovalservice #treecuttingservice #treecuttingservicenearme #treepruner #stumpremovalnearme #treetrimmingservice

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If you are in need of tree trimming services and would like to get a professional, contact us who will be there in no time to acetate your need. We have a team of highly skilled and trained people who have vast experience as well as hi-tech equipment to ensure that the job gets done Casey Tree Removal 27 William Rd Berwick VIC 3806 (03) 6144 6132

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