
Showing posts with the label January 14

Palm Tree Care: Should I Cut Off Brown Palm Leaves?

Palm trees always remind you of warm days and sunshine; they’re a classic tree in those hotter, tropical climates standing tall and proud against a bright, blue sky. But a palm tree is only a grand addition to your home landscape when its leaves are green and healthy. Giving your palm trees proper care includes understanding why the leaves may turn brown and what to do if they lose their healthy green color. Let’s learn more about what causes palm tree leaves to turn brown and what you can do about it to maintain healthy, thriving trees. Why Are The Leaves On My Palm Tree Turning Brown? While you might think you can pinpoint one specific cause of discolored palm leaves, there are actually several reasons for palm tree leaves turning brown. It could be because your tree isn’t receiving enough water or it could be missing some key nutrients like nitrogen, manganese or magnesium. Some pests can also cause browning leaves, such as palm tree weevils or spider mites. A disease li...

What Is a Tree Surgeon and Why You Should Hire One

Trees can live from anywhere between fifty to more than three thousand years. However, the death of a tree is inevitable. Some owe their deaths to infestations, others owe them to diseases, and others to climate change. Now while you may think of infestations and tree diseases in the context of a forest, know that your backyard trees are not immune to disease-induced death either. It is for this reason (among others), that timely visits from a tree surgeon are not only recommended but essential to ensure the vitality of your trees and the safety of your home. This article takes an in-depth look into what a tree surgeon does while exploring the many benefits of hiring one. What Does a Tree Surgeon Do? A tree surgeon is someone who specializes in the all-around care and maintenance of trees. They are dedicated experts who plant, prune, fell, and treat trees that require special care. Additionally, they are also skilled at landscaping when larger trees are involved. T...