
Showing posts with the label 2022 at 11:08AM

Caring for Trees: From Autumn into Winter

As autumn settles in and winter approaches, it’s a good time consider the care your trees need now and throughout the coming season. Keep these things in mind and you’ll have happier trees this spring! Cultural Practices to Keep Trees Healthy Pruning: Before winter arrives, prune out dead or broken branches. They may be at risk of falling with the added weight of snow or ice. In fact, pruning in general is a good thing to take care of in the winter. Most plants go dormant and fungi are less of a concern. Mulching and Irrigation : It’s important to pay attention to mulching and irrigation year-round – not just during the growing season but also during winter. Even though plants may be dormant, many still require a minimum amount of water to meet their needs. Mulching helps to maintain soil moisture. Additionally, it provides a buffer against stress to the root zone. Deicing Salt: Remember that while salt might be good for driveways, it can be terrible for trees. Increasin...