Stump Grinding: The Process and Benefits
Trees, along with hedges, ornamentals, and flowerbeds, make up about 18% of an average yard. However, despite their beauty, trees do eventually naturally need to be removed every once in a while, for the safety of your home and family. This process leaves stumps around your yard that you think may not be removable, but this is not the case at all. Tree stump grinding is a simple process that can make your yard a much more up-to-date space and remove the eyesores that are old stumps. Here, we are going to talk about what grinding is and what the process entails, so read on to learn why this process is essential for every homeowner. What Is Tree Stump Grinding? Tree stump grinding is the process of sanding down the stump of a tree until it no longer protrudes from the ground. This leaves a sawdust-like residue in its place but does not remove the root of the tree belowground. Its purpose is to eliminate the visual part of the stump rather than digging up the roots of the tre...