The Neighbour’s Tree
The one variable in most of these situations is the reasons why the customer is interested in the neighbour?s tree to begin with. Perhaps the neighbour?s tree has branches that are flapping on the roof. Perhaps the neighbour?s tree is creating too much shade. Perhaps the trunk of the neighbour?s tree is too close for comfort to the foundation of the customer?s house. Perhaps the neighbour?s tree drops berries that your pet is allergic too. Perhaps the customer is worried about branch failure overtop of their garage. The common question that customers ask us is,?Since it’s not my tree, what can I do about it?? There are two paths I like to explore with customers when they present this question: What is within your right to do? What IS the right thing to do? The straight, clear cut, simplified answer to question one is the following: locate your property line, create an imaginary line straight up, everything on your side of the property line can be r...