Tree Bark Damage Solutions
Pest, infestation, harsh weather, lawn mowers, landscape work, home remodeling projects, nuisance wildlife, and vandalism are just some of the common causes for tree bark defects here in Melbourne. Because we love our trees so much and value the numerous benefits they bestow onto us, bark damage and decline are things we never want for our landscaping trees. Fortunately, there may be viable recourse for trees with damaged bark. Continue reading to learn what your options are for a tree with bark damage, and who to call for trusted tree care advice. Facts About Tree Bark Damage Repair When tree bark is damaged, the underlying tissue and wood can be exposed, which is highly detrimental to the tree. It is crucial to take action as soon as possible before the tree enters a heightened state of vulnerability. Once a tree is too weak, it can lead to extensive bark damage and overall tree decline. When you see damaged tree bark, there are some things you need to do right away. Yo...