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Recognizing Hazards in Your Trees Before It Becomes an Emergency Tree Removal Situation

There are many situations where you may have no other choice than to bring a tree down. But, with proper maintenance, you can extend the longevity of your beloved shade-makers. Below is a list of things to look for to help keep tree-related emergencies at Melbourne.  Check Your Tree Roots If tree roots are threatening the home’s structures, you should contact a Certified Arborist to provide input on how best to cut the roots without hurting the tree’s health. Tree roots are powerful enough to penetrate and destroy your home’s foundation. The rule of thumb for measuring the length of a tree’s roots is called the grow line.  If the branches of a tree can reach the roof or walls of the building, then the roots can reach the foundation. Subsequently, check the roots for signs of decay.  Some signs included: Thinning of canopy with gradual death of the tree Branches will die Wilted leaves Stunted growth Cankers or sunken areas on the trunk indicating root-deca...

The Most Damaging Tree Trimming Technique

Hat Rack Pruning, also known as Tree Topping, is the absolute most damaging tree trimming technique.  It will kill the tree. Hat rack pruning is a method of cutting off a tree’s lateral branches at random lengths, which then destroys the tree’s appearance and leaves branch stubs that will eventually start to decay.  This  tree topping technique is a surefire way to kill a tree long before it has had the chance to live its natural life cycle.  The Dangers of Tree Topping The practice of tree topping creates large, open wounds that become exposed to the elements, to harmful insects, and to decay. The branches are destined to die a slow death, consumed from within by rot, until they break off and fall, damaging anything in its path.  The tree will also eventually die as more and more branches rot and break. And the drastic reduction in the leaf surface damages the tree’s root system, leaving it more susceptible to uprooting. A topped tree decreases your ...

What are Some Benefits to Pruning Your Trees in the Winter?

Some Benefits to Pruning Your Trees in the Winter Include: Reduces the risk of spreading fungal diseases like Dutch Elm, Oak Wilt, and Hypoxylon Canker Prepares trees for a healthier and robust Spring Easy to Evaluate the Structure In the winter months, your deciduous trees will lose all of their leaves and this makes all the limbs and the structural integrity of the trees easy to evaluate. Evergreens don’t lose their leaves or greenery in the same manner, but if you have a mixture of both types of trees, your evergreens may lose some needles or leaves from winter weather and storms. On your deciduous trees, it’s much easier for a trained professional to identify any dead limbs that need to be pruned. They can also identify any dangerous branches that may fall on a person or a structure when they are weighed down by thick ice or snow. This benefit is to keep your trees safe. Spring Has Sprung When you have your trees pruned in late winter, it allows you to contain them i...

How to Properly Care for Your Trees at the End of Summer and Early Fall

If you take pride in your landscaping, chances are you’ve put a lot of time and energy into caring for your trees. Keeping your trees and fields in good health and preparing them for the next season doesn’t have to be difficult. With a bit of diligence, you can set your trees up to be beautiful and healthy all year long. Late summer or early fall is the perfect time to take a look at your trees and keep an eye out for potential problems. There are a couple of obvious warning signs you should look for when checking for tree trouble. Leaves Changing Colors Too Early An early color change could be a sign of stress. Believe it or not, stress affects trees much the same way it affects people. Stress weakens trees and leaves them more vulnerable to disease or parasites. Heat and drought can stress trees causing premature color change. However, if you notice it’s only the leaves on a branch or two that are changing, your tree may be dealing with a disease. Leaves that have dark spots...

Planting the Right Tree

Planting a tree and learning about proper tree care is an incredibly rewarding experience. Not only is this therapeutic for many, but trees give off oxygen that we need in order to breathe. They also provide protection to several animals like squirrels or birds. However, before you can plant a tree, you need to decide on two things: which type of tree to plant and where to plant it. This alone is an important decision that should be carefully planned. Below are some helpful tips for planting the best tree for your area. Use the Right Soil Your landscape plan needs to take into consideration the type of soil present in the prospective location. The wrong soil will prevent your tree from surviving. Arborists have experience identifying different soil types and can help you figure out the difference between soil types, including: Acidic Drought tolerant Loamy Alkaline Moist Rich Sandy Silty loam Well-drained Wet Wide range Clay Consider Sunlight Exposure Sun exp...

Protecting Trees During Winter

You don’t have to be a tree doctor or a professional to keep your trees safe during winter. But there are several factors to consider when preparing your garden for the cold season. Below are a few tips for protecting your trees from various winter dangers this year. Snow and Ice Heavy snow and ice storms can cause branches to bend and break under the weight of snow and wind. Some ways to keep branches strong include: Wrapping small branches together with a strong cloth two-thirds of the way above the weak point. Prune and remove weak branches. Have a tree doctor or arborist tie together the main branches of large multi-stemmed trees. Root Injury Roots can develop injuries in winter because they don’t become dormant as quickly as the branches, buds, and stems. Keeping the soil temperatures high and moist before the ground freezes is essential in protecting trees from injury. The best ways to reduce root injury in winter are to: Cover the new and exposed roots with ...

Planting Trees For The Spring

Are you curious about the best way to begin planting tree seedlings this upcoming season? Here are a few tips to follow so your seedling grows big and strong! Keep the Roots Watered While you dig, it’s important to keep the roots from drying out, or your tree may never grow. Make sure the root ball is soaked so that it doesn’t reject water from the soil around it. Adding seaweed products may help the seedling avoid shock from the transplant and nurture root growth! Prepare the Soil When you start planting tree seedlings, you’ll want to ensure that the hole is big enough (about 2-3 times the diameter and no deeper than the ball of roots) so that the tree has room to settle and grow. You may need to loosen some of the dirt from the root ball to ensure proper placement. Once the tree is settled in the ground, fill the hole back with the original dirt to help the seedling acclimate. Seedling Aftercare You may think fertilizing the seedling right away will help, but hold off ...

Protecting Trees Against Bark Beetles

Have you noticed small holes in the bark of your trees? Do you have concerns about what they may be? Chances are, you have a case of bark beetles. Continue reading below for tips on identifying and protecting your trees against bark beetles. What Do Bark Beetles Look Like? Bark beetles are common conifer (pine) pests. Adult ones are tiny, cylindrical, hard-bodied insects approximately the size of a rice grain. The majority of species are dark red, brown, or black. What Are The Key Indicators of Infestation? These pests feed on the exterior and inner bark of a tree’s trunk, branches, or twigs. Because of the activity of the beetles, the outer area of the afflicted places may become loose, and when the bark is stripped away, the exit holes and tunnels become visible. These are signs that your tree has been infested. How To Get Rid of Them and Prevent Further Damage? Once your tree has been damaged, there is little that can be done to manage the infestation. Because the beetl...

Preparing Your Trees for The Fall

The changing seasons are a time that many love and some dread. The lush green leaves on your trees have peaked, but what’s coming next? To avoid an ugly surprise and stand out as a stellar homeowner, you must take the appropriate steps for your tree care in the fall. From the first crack of a falling leaf to the final nip of frost, tree professionals recommend specific steps to help your trees through the fall changes. Read on for expert tips on how to get your trees ready for the fall. Trim the Branches Trimming defective branches before the leaves fall will help your tree stay healthy longer when done correctly. In addition, it reduces the number of leaves that could clog gutters and drains, and fewer leaves on the ground could also reduce your fire risk. Check for Pests and Disease If you have a tree that has been damaged or is under stress from weather or other factors, pathogens may be able to take advantage of the situation. It can make the tree more susceptible to i...

Maintaining the Tree Professionally is Vital

Trees are vital for our survival on Earth. Trees provide for us, from keeping the temperature in check to reducing air pollution, preventing floods, giving timber, and providing habitat to various birds and animals. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure that we look after the tree’s wellbeing. Hence, tree service Melbourne  is here to help. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the world, nature is the most affected. In addition, global warming, climate change, pests, and multiple other external factors have severely harmed the trees. If we don’t act promptly, the chances are that the lush green sight that we love to devour will go scarce. Thus, Naptown Tree Service, with our team of expert and well-trained arborists, is dedicated to helping save trees. Why Do You Need Melbourne Tree Removal? Several external factors affect trees and their development. Be it a commercial area or a lovingly cultivated tree from your garden, the environment influences all.  Pest Control Pes...

Palm Tree Care: Should I Cut Off Brown Palm Leaves?

Palm trees always remind you of warm days and sunshine; they’re a classic tree in those hotter, tropical climates standing tall and proud against a bright, blue sky. But a palm tree is only a grand addition to your home landscape when its leaves are green and healthy. Giving your palm trees proper care includes understanding why the leaves may turn brown and what to do if they lose their healthy green color. Let’s learn more about what causes palm tree leaves to turn brown and what you can do about it to maintain healthy, thriving trees. Why Are The Leaves On My Palm Tree Turning Brown? While you might think you can pinpoint one specific cause of discolored palm leaves, there are actually several reasons for palm tree leaves turning brown. It could be because your tree isn’t receiving enough water or it could be missing some key nutrients like nitrogen, manganese or magnesium. Some pests can also cause browning leaves, such as palm tree weevils or spider mites. A disease li...