
Showing posts with the label January 09

When Is the Right Time to Remove A Tree?

What if you had a ticking time bomb in your garden? That is what it can feel like when deciding to remove a tree. Few homeowners know the right time to remove potentially dangerous or unwanted trees. if you wait too long, or go about removing it the wrong way, you can cause some serious damage. So, when is the right time to remove a tree, and what is the safest way to do so? Continue reading to discover the answers! Threats: When to Remove a Tree Right Away Many different factors determine when you should remove a tree. But it is arguably most important to know when you must remove unwanted trees ASAP. Generally speaking, you should have trees removed right away if you can see that it has any upheaving roots. It is always important to remove trees that are leaning because if they should fall, this may pose a significant risk to your home. And even if it does not look like it could hit your home, beware of trees that might pose a risk to other structures (like storage sheds...