
Showing posts with the label July 24

Ways You are Loving Your Trees to Death – Pruning

It’s hard to imagine that as society becomes more aware and proactive about saving our environment, we could be damaging the trees that we are working so hard to save. With the influx of information that we have it can be difficult to determine where we can help. One of the easiest ways to get involved is to properly maintain what you already have. In this series, we are going to cover several areas where people think that they are improving/helping their trees but may be doing more harm than good. These areas are mulching, watering, tree supports, and pruning. We will have an in depth look at these common practices and discover whether they are beneficial and what we should be doing. Pruning – Are You Planning to Fail? Tree pruning and trimming is often overlooked until it is too late. Trees in an urban environment need to be continuously monitored and pruned to allow for proper tree growth and to ensure that they are suitable for their surroundings. There are many reasons ...