Why You Should Get Rid of Tree Stumps
Are you thinking about hiring tree services for stump removal in Melbourne? If so, then read on to learn a few of the reasons why it makes sense to have your tree stumps removed. Appearance Among the most obvious reasons to get rid of tree stumps is that they create eyesores on your property. Stumps stick out like blemishes within manicured lawns and well-designed landscaping, so it makes sense to have them removed, even for purely aesthetic purposes. Growth When a tree is cut down, the remaining roots can send up new shoots around the base. While a few saplings popping up around your tree stump may seem innocuous, this new growth can be a drain on your property. If the tree is still alive in any way and producing new shoots, this means that it is absorbing water and nutrients from the soil that would otherwise go to the rest of the plants in your landscaping. Tree stump removal is the smart choice for preventing any new growth at the stump from draining resources from...