
Showing posts with the label March 18

Tips for Preparing Palm Trees for Cooler Weather

Typically, our area of Melbourne doesn’t experience much cold weather; however, the unpredictability of the winter months can sometimes produce a cold snap. During these drops in temperature, it’s important to provide your palm trees with extra attention to protect them from the cooler weather. Here are some tips for preparing your palm trees for cooler weather in Melbourne and the surrounding areas. Move Potted Palms Indoors If you have small palms that you are growing in pots, move them indoors to continue growing through the winter weather. Moving potted palms indoors will keep them warm and dry throughout the season and prevent any cold damage to them. If you choose to move your potted palms inside your home, make sure to place them near a window and provide them with as much light as possible . Even though your potted palm trees can thrive perfectly fine indoors during the cool winter months, they still need sufficient light to survive. Providing your palms with a warm,...