
Showing posts with the label September 21

5 Reasons Why You Should Remove Backyard Stumps

Stumps are like the gravestones of a tree. They represent a long life, preserved in the rings of their flesh. Although you may be hanging on to your dear stumps for the memory of the tree that once was, backyard stumps can be troublesome, and even dangerous. Here are some reasons why you should hire professionals, like the arborists at Melbourne Tree Removal Guys, to remove your stumps: 1)Stumps Are an Eyesore A lot of time and money goes into keeping yards in tip-top shape, whether it be cutting and trimming trees, caring for the lawn, or growing a beautiful garden. Stumps can detract from this image. Having a large, protruding, brown hunk of wood in the middle of your yard will turn heads—not in a good way. 2)Stumps Can Grow Despite their hard, plain looking surface, stumps are an incredible source of nutrients for new plant growth, especially in an advanced state of decay. Much of the energy produced during photosynthesis is stored in the roots of a tree. When a tree is c...

My branches or tree trunk looks like it has a crack in it?

The term “co-dominant stems” is used to describe 2 or more main stems (or “leaders”) that are about the same diameter and emerge from the same location on the main trunk. As the tree grows older, the stems remain similar in size without any single one becoming dominant. Why are such stems important to recognize? Co-dominant stems tend to fail much more often than others, especially in storms. Though such stems may look fine to the casual observer, they may actually be dangerous. Early recognition of such stems allows remedial action when it does the most good. Many of our most common trees in the UK commonly form co-dominant stems. How can you tell if there is a serious problem? Classifying co-dominant stems into 3 risk stages can aid in their management: Risk Stage 1 : does the union between the two stems form a “V” but there are no other symptoms? A “V” union is much more likely to fail than a “U” Stems with a “V” union compress bark between them as they grow, leav...