Protecting Trees During Winter
You don’t have to be a tree doctor or a professional to keep your trees safe during winter. But there are several factors to consider when preparing your garden for the cold season. Below are a few tips for protecting your trees from various winter dangers this year. Snow and Ice Heavy snow and ice storms can cause branches to bend and break under the weight of snow and wind. Some ways to keep branches strong include: Wrapping small branches together with a strong cloth two-thirds of the way above the weak point. Prune and remove weak branches. Have a tree doctor or arborist tie together the main branches of large multi-stemmed trees. Root Injury Roots can develop injuries in winter because they don’t become dormant as quickly as the branches, buds, and stems. Keeping the soil temperatures high and moist before the ground freezes is essential in protecting trees from injury. The best ways to reduce root injury in winter are to: Cover the new and exposed roots with ...