
Showing posts with the label September 25

Signs Your Tree Needs Trimming

Trees play different roles throughout our lives. As children, we climb them and swing from their limbs. As adults, we strategically place them in our yards to add beauty and lushness to our lawn. One of the most beautiful accents to any yard (whether it is for the children or the adults) is a big, beautiful, healthy tree. To keep your tree growing and strong, it’s important to prune it properly and at the right time. Here are some signs your tree might be in need of a trim: Cracks and Grooves A deep crack or groove in the bark of your tree is not a good sign. It means your tree is sick or dying. To stop the spread of infection, it’s important to remove all diseased parts of the tree. Broken Branches We’re subject to all sorts of wild weather. With winter approaching, it’s important to keep an eye on our trees for things like loose of broken branches. They pose a hazard to you and your family and can cause a mess on your lawn. Disease Missing leaves, discoloration, or dete...

Is My Tree Dangerous?

At Melbourne Tree Removal Guys we are often asked the following: Is my tree dangerous? Is my neighbour’s tree dangerous or hazardous? Is my tree too large? Is my tree in danger of falling? Does my tree look dangerous? Is my tree is leaning too much? Have my tree roots moved? Is my tree dead? There’s lots of scenarios for all of the above to consider, so keep things simple we are going to provide you with a some basic pointers to look out for when looking at your tree or trees. If any of the following items are seen on your tree it is suggested you seek the help of a local tree expert. 1. Fungal brackets or mushrooms near the base or root-plate of the tree Fungal brackets or mushrooms do not always mean the tree or trees are dangerous and need to be felled, there are many fungal brackets and mushrooms that don’t cause decay in trees. On the other hand, though there are many that do cause decay and can cause your tree or trees to become structurally unstable an...