Stump Grinding: The Process and Benefits

Trees, along with hedges, ornamentals, and flowerbeds, make up about 18% of an average yard. However, despite their beauty, trees do eventually naturally need to be removed every once in a while, for the safety of your home and family. This process leaves stumps around your yard that you think may not be removable, but this is not the case at all.

Tree stump grinding is a simple process that can make your yard a much more up-to-date space and remove the eyesores that are old stumps. Here, we are going to talk about what grinding is and what the process entails, so read on to learn why this process is essential for every homeowner.

What Is Tree Stump Grinding?

Tree stump grinding is the process of sanding down the stump of a tree until it no longer protrudes from the ground. This leaves a sawdust-like residue in its place but does not remove the root of the tree belowground. Its purpose is to eliminate the visual part of the stump rather than digging up the roots of the tree altogether.

The residue left behind from grinding eventually simply becomes one with the soil. This is environmentally efficient because it provides nutrition to other plants in the area. It also levels the ground out in the area where the tree once was. When you plant grass or flowers on top of this location, it will seamlessly blend in with the rest of the yard as though a tree never was there.

This process is an alternative to a full tree stump removal, which necessitates the use of extreme force to pull out the stump’s roots up from underground. Grinding is a much neater and cleaner process and uses more efficient tools and processes to eliminate the stump. This makes it less expensive for the homeowner and therefore superior in many different ways.

How Does the Process Work?

We have touched on the efficiency of the tree stump grinding process, but what exactly does stump grinding entail?

Professionals have a tool that is aptly named a ‘stump grinder.’ This tool chews away at the wood of your stump with a rotating blade. This blade is incredibly powerful and rips into the wood as it turns at top speed. The result is that tiny pieces of sawdust and mulch take the place of where the stump once was.

These stump grinders usually are handheld and therefore grinding is a precise process. The person operating it will move the blade in layers over the stump until it is ground down to below the level of the dirt. This process necessitates many safety precautions such as the wearing of goggles and other safety equipment.

In addition to handheld stump grinders, larger stumps may use those that can be attached to a truck or trailer. Rear-hitch grinders will generally not be used on residential property, nor will riding grinders that work like tractors. These are generally saved for larger applications where there are many stumps to be ground in woods or forests. You do not need to worry about these tools.

Can You DIY the Grinding Process?

While this may sound simple, it is unlikely that you have the appropriate tools to complete the process properly. You will have a terrible time getting expensively rented tools onto the site of the stump. Additionally, unless you are a trained expert in tree stump grinding, you are likely to injure yourself trying to sand it down.

Therefore, professional grinding is essential to those who need this process to be completed in their yard. This is significantly less expensive and infinitely safer than trying to do it yourself. Tree stump grinding is a serious DIY do not, so be sure that you invest in services that can get the job done appropriately.

What Are the Benefits?

There is a multitude of benefits to stump grinding, primarily that it removes an eyesore from your property. While trees make a beautiful addition to yards and gardens, stumps are ugly and take up space that can be used for other things. Eliminating these stumps through the process of grinding makes your yard look pleasing again and raises your property value.

You can also use the space created by eliminating your stump to make your yard your own. It frees up the room so that you can plant a flower bed or a vegetable garden. Maintaining a garden is a fun hobby that comes with a plethora of health benefits, and eliminating your stump is the first step towards being able to garden more often.

Finally, grinding down tree stumps makes your yard a safer space for yourself and your family. Children and pets may hurt themselves by tripping over stumps in the yard while playing. They also may get splinters if they decide to play with the stump and run their fingers over it.

You may also injure yourself with the stump if you are not careful. They are a hazard when mowing your lawn and tripping over it could cause a trip to the hospital with a mower-related injury. Even if things do not go this far, they make mowing and other outdoor chores harder and more frustrating.

Get Started

Now that you know how tree stump grinding works and why it is important, it is time to begin making your property safer and more aesthetically pleasing. Contact us with any remaining questions that you may have about professional tree surgery services and how you can get our experts to your home.

We are excited to help your yard flourish and thrive in every possible way, so do not hesitate to reach out at any time.

Melbourne Tree Removal Guys – All Tree Cutting & Other Services. Tree Removal, Stump Grinding, Stump Removal, Tree Trimming, Tree Mulching, Tree Pruning & Emergency Tree Removal Experts In Melbourne!

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Stump Grinding The Process and Benefits

The post Stump Grinding: The Process and Benefits appeared first on Melbourne Tree Removal Guys.


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